Monday, February 14, 2011

Living Life to the Fullest

Author's Note: This is about Pi Patel and how he makes the best of what he is left with. Many people nowadays don't do anything with their life because it is done for them by computers and machines. This is my essay on why living every moment to the fullest is the best way to live life.

Pi Patel’s life was like any other’s -- going to school, hanging out with friends, going swimming with his uncle. He didn’t realize how much these simple memories would mean to him. It started on that fateful day when the Tsimtusm sank. His parents, brother, and his life, was gone in an instant. He soon found himself on a lifeboat with an orangutan, an injured zebra, a hyena, and a 450lb tiger. He realized that he could die out there and that he needed to make the best of the situation if he even wanted a chance to survive. Every time he caught something, even if it’s a small fish, he is grateful and treats it like a feast. He realized that he will never know where his life will take him and he is prepared to live the moments he had to the fullest.

How many times have you been invited to something, but your not excited about it? The thing is that this happens to all of us. Now we can get everything we need at the touch of a button. We never have to work for it, or have fun doing it. Nowadays people live long and no one is in a hurry to do anything with their lives; people should be. You never know what’s going to happen to you the next day. You may end up in a lifeboat with nothing but yourself, which is what Pi experienced in The Life of Pi or you may end up in a wheelchair for the rest of your life. The point is that we are only given one life and it’s up to us to what we do with it.

What would you do if today was your last day? You only had one day, what would you do? Most likely you would want to spend every moment with your friends and family, you might take off of school too! Although you can never take your friends and family for granted, they might be there one day, but the path of life is full of twists and turns, you never know what’s around the corner. Take chances, keep close to friends and family, and always remember that you never know what’s around the corner.

The author of this book, Yann Martel, is speaking to us through The Life of Pi. He is trying to tell us that life is unpredictable. No one ever knows where their life is going to take them, we might think we know what we want to do but we may just end up doing the exact opposite. He is telling us that since no one can predict the future for us that we have to live the moments that life gives us to the fullest.