Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Author's note: The prompt for this years Veteran's Essay is "Does patriotism still matter?" For the most part my essay is stating that yes patriotism still matters. Please read and comment!!

To answer the question, "Does patriotism still matter?" the answer is definitely yes. Patriotism is in everyone's lives even though you don't recognize it. It holds Americans together through thick and thin. Even now is an example of people showing patriotism. The economy is in trouble and people are helping neighbors and family even more than usual. People don't just give up and quit, well at least people shouldn't, they get up and try again. Patriotism is in every American person and they shouldn't be afraid to show it.

The people that express their patriotism the most are the people in the army, navy, marines, and so on. Those people fight for our country when we need them the most. Right now the are fighting for us, trying to stop the terrorist attacks on the U.S. They started in 2001 when the terrorist crashed into the twin towers and they are still fighting nine years from then. Even if you're not in the war fighting you still show patriotism in other ways like volunteering, donating to charities and any other way you help and support people. Patriots are all around you in your everyday life.

Patriotism still matters because it helps us stick together. No true patriot would walk out on its country and fellow people. If patriotism didn't matter then everything would be out of control. America wouldn't exist if it didn't matter anymore. There would be no patriot still loyal to America. We need patriotism to keep America alive and powerful. We are still powerful because of patriotism and if it didn't matter we wouldn't and everything would be in chaos.

So to sum up the question "Does patriotism still matter?", the answer is yes. If we matter and we didn't believe in it America would fall apart. In addition to that everyone loves America and patriotism is the key to that. We can't love America without being a patriot too.