Thursday, December 9, 2010


The warm breath of your friend’s mouth tickles your ear. She leans over and whispers her most precious secret to you. The level of trust between the two is very high, it is worth going through all of the little arguments that made your friendship stronger. Trust is an important factor in everyone’s life. You would have no one to turn to if trust didn’t exist. Trust is something that is built; it is built and then it can be destroyed in a second.

Barbra Kingsolver creates a story where one woman learns how to trust and love the people around her, even if they aren’t her genetic family. In The Bean Trees Marietta Greer has a pretty messed up family; her dad left her and her mom and they can barely feed themselves. Then she gets a job at the city’s hospital. Here she realizes that her life is controlled by her, she realizes that she doesn’t need to stay in Kentucky or work at the hospital. When she realizes this she packs her bags and drives to far away Arizona. To make her new life complete she changes her name to Taylor Greer.

The first member of Taylor’s new family is a 3 year old Cherokee girl. Her mother is dead and her family doesn’t want her anymore. Taylor calls her Turtle, Turtle’s life has been full of trauma. Soon she starts to trust Taylor and the other people in her life, like Lou Ann who shares a house with Turtle and Taylor. The trust Taylor builds with Turtle is important because Turtle was thought to never be able to trust again. Although this trust isn’t very strong yet and can shatter in an instant.

Through the book, Taylor and Turtle’s bond gets stronger and stronger. It hits some bumps in the road but they always stick together. It has taken a lot for Turtle to finally trust Taylor but she does and she always will. Trust is needed in life, otherwise who could be your best friend that you tell all your secrets too? How could you be able to have anyone as your friend who you would trust always? Trust is needed in life otherwise no one would have any close friends or anyone you can share your problems with. The world would be isolated without it.

Think of a world without trust; no best friends, no parents that you can tell all your problems. How would you know if they are going to tell the world if you don’t trust them? Trust needs to be built over years of hardships in friendships and other problems, you can’t just meet someone and then tell them all of your deepest secrets, they would probably tell the world! A world without trust is like a world where no one talks to each other. Trust brings us together, trust may bring problems, but it also brings people closer together.

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